TestKit Documentation
  1. Under the project menu, select 'New Target...'
  2. Select 'TestKit/TestBundle'. Click 'Next'
  3. Pick a name for your target. Click 'Finish'
  4. In XCode's File pane, select the location you want to place a test case, and select 'New File...' from the 'File' menu
  5. Select 'TestKit/TWTestCase subclass'. Click 'Next'
  6. Type in a file name, and select the test bundle you created previously. Click 'Finish'
  7. Add the source files of the classes your testing ( or the compiled libraries or frameworks if you choose ).
  8. Write your tests, and compile your test bundle
The last step in compiling your test bundle was a shell script to run your test bundle and display the results. For more control over running your tests, see the User Documentation

See the Tips page for quick tips regarding writing, running, and debugging your unit tests.