It's quite common to want to write many tests against an object with a common state. To avoid having to
write something like:
@implementation MyTest
-( void ) testOne
MyClass *myObj = [ self buildMyObj ];
[ myObj release ];
-( void ) testTwo
MyClass *myObj = [ self buildMyObj ];
[ myObj release ];
you can take advantage of a fixture. In TestKit, a fixture is an instance of a subclass of
TWTestCase. Note that the instance itself
is the fixture, while each instance method is considered a test case.
To create a fixture, subclass TWTestCase and declare instance variables for the object
you'll be running your tests against:
#import <TestKit/TestKit.h>
@class MyClass;
@interface MyTest:TWTestCase
MyClass *myObj;
In your implementation, override -[ TWTestCase setup ] and -[ TWTestCase teardown ]
#import "MyTest.h"
@implementation MyTest
-( void ) setup
myObj = [ [ MyClass alloc ] init ];
//perform other setup to myObj
-( void ) teardown
[ myObj release ];
-( void ) testFoo
//test against myObj
-( void ) testBar
//test against myObj
Before any test is run, setup is called. After a test completes, regardless of whether or
not it succeeds, teardown is called.
setup and teardown are highly preferred over init
and dealloc . The former pair is called before and after each test, while the latter pair is
called on object instantiation and release. This is significant because TestKit will create an instance
of a fixture
for every test method on that fixture. These instances are created when the test bundle is loaded, and
before any tests are run. None of those objects are released until either the application exits, or
another set of tests are chosen.
By contrast, only one test is executed at a time. setup is called immediately before the
test is run, and teardown is called immediately after. If the objects you are testing are
intensive, or if they obtain exclusive rights to resources, you will not have much success initializing
your instance variables through init .
Using the example above to illustrate:
Suppose instances of MyClass obtain exclusive rights to a file or port. When TestRunner
loads the test bundle, 2 instances of MyTest will be created. One for the test case
testFoo , and the other one for testBar . If you chose to initialize myObject in
init instead of setup, 2 instances of MyClass will try to be
instantiated. The first will succeed. The second instance will crash, block indefinitely, or fail - even
before a single test has run.
If you chose, however, to initialize myObj in the setup method, no
instances of MyClass will be instantiated until before testFoo or
testBar are run. Since only one test is run at a time, only one instance of
MyClass will be instantiated at a time.